Firm Ground
Hello! We're here. Now it's our mission to make sure that your visit is both fun and rewarding. What you will find here are articles that, although sometimes a bit off the beaten path, will nevertheless share information that will help to make your life healthier, happier and more prosperous. Make yourself at home. We hope that you'll visit often. We know that you will enjoy our new friendship just as much as we will!.... Suzy & Jim
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Aloe Vera Leaf is one of the oldest healing remedies!

Monday, February 22, 2016
Is 100% Parmesan Cheese, 100%?? Maybe not...

According to the FDA’s report on Castle, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, “no parmesan cheese was used to manufacture” the Market Pantry brand 100% grated Parmesan Cheese, sold at Target Corp. stores, and Always Save Grated Parmesan Cheese and Best Choice 100% Grated Parmesan Cheese, sold by Associated Wholesale Grocers Inc., which along with its subsidiaries supplies 3,400 retail stores in 30 states. Instead, there was a mixture of Swiss, mozzarella, white cheddar and cellulose, according to the FDA.
Follow the links above to learn more about store bought Grated Cheese and what to be aware of.

What About grating your own Cheese?! You can easily buy a hunk of parmesan reggiano, after grating it can be stored in the fridge or freezer, and is actually cheaper (not to mention a healthier alternative)! Simple tools needed are a grater and something to put the cheese in. Follow this link to THE YUMMY LIFE to learn all about grating your own parmesan cheese!
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Hydrogen Peroxide is your FRIEND!

Sunday, January 31, 2016
How Fresh are YOUR Supermarket Eggs?
We all love eggs, right? We all check the "Best-By" dates to get the freshest eggs available, right? Well, "Best-By" dates, which are usually dates around the time we buy them, don't necessarily mean they are fresh. It seems that there are TWO dates on packages of eggs... a "Best-By date" and a date that has what day of the year the eggs were put in that egg carton, such as 344 is day three hundred forty four out of 365. This video gives us all the scoop on supermarket eggs...
Monday, September 29, 2014
Love your K-Cups? Maybe you should rethink that...
The "Keurig" phenomenon started with the ease of making a delicious cup of coffee, one cup at a time, with a little pre-measured cup filled and sealed with your favorite coffee grounds. What you may be getting besides convenience is mold and bacteria, chemicals from composite plastic, and a whole host of other things that you should not be putting in your body. Erin Chamerlik, The Real Food Revivalist, writes in an article for GetBetterWellness.com entitled "Why I Kicked my Keaurig To the Curb", about how she started wondering about how clean her Keurig really was, which lead her to pick apart the convenience for what those K-Cups really offered.
Follow the link above and learn why you might want to go back to your Mr. Coffee maker instead.
Follow the link above and learn why you might want to go back to your Mr. Coffee maker instead.
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